
Lost in time.

In random on April 30, 2010 at 12:19 am

Browsing through some online documentaries such as What Have You Left Behind? where different people share their own stories and thoughts in a virtual space to be like a fragment of themselves that will exist somewhere forever, I find myself thinking about my grandparents. I’ve heard bits and pieces of what their lives were like back then, but I’ve never actually sat down and spoken to either of them about it…or about much else at all. It’s odd how we are exposed to strangers’ life stories but we somehow never get to know the real people around us.

Apparently my grandmother came from a wealthy family when she was young, and my great grandmother(her mother), was the prettiest woman on the street. I guess they must’ve lost the wealth during the times of war and depression because I’ve only heard my mother talk about how difficult her childhood was and how hard my grandmother had to work to support her children. From what I know, my grandfather was really charming back in his day. We found old love letters addressed to my grandmother from him and it was really romantic. Sometimes my grandfather would talk about the japanese occupation in Malaysia when he’s a little bit drunk. I remember he used to smoke and he had a little transparent jar in the toilet where he kept all the cigarette butts.

I wish I knew their stories, I wish I knew how they met. I know how difficult life must’ve been when my mother was young and my grandparents would probably fight all the time but I only found out not too long ago that there was once when they were in love, real romantic love – and it’s rare that asians back in the old day have that.

My grandfather with his great-granddaughter(who officially overthrew me as his favourite..but it's alright, she's cute.)

When my grandmother passed away, everyone was prepared for it as she was suffering from various ailments. The real shock came when my grandfather passed away less than a week later at the age of 88. No one could believe it because he seemed completely fine the night before. I wonder if everything is just a coincidence, or is it some form of unconscious psychological will, or do you think that it really is possible that they want to be together always and forever?

  1. haha I’ve heard stories like these before. Where one partner dies and then the other one quickly loses the will to live as well 😦 My grandfather passed away a few years after my grandma. He was healthy before she died, and after she died, he just became so sad and distant 😦 and a friend’s grandma became severely ill after her partner died too 😦 ahh so sad but yeah, i guess sometimes they do just want to be together always and forever.
    like in The Notebook!!!

  2. this is a very moving entry, Mei. investigating your family’s past would make a lovely reflexive style documentary one day…

    • That would be really nice. Maybe I should try to gather old photos and whatever else I can find over the holidays. 🙂

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